Jumat, 11 Maret 2011


Indonesia is a country which have many problems like corruption, proverty, litter, traffic jam, and many more. The huge amount of in Indonesia and bad government system caused this problem increasing and difficult to overcome. Litter is one of the big cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, and many more. That matters happens because the majority of Indonesia citizen live in there. Based on data Common Work Departement (DCW) in 2005, it shows that there are more than 10.000 tons litter everyday in Jakarta. The amount will be increased because of the unstoppable not only human activities but also business activities, moreover there aren’t any realization for throwing litter on the bins. Usually people interpretation that litter is something unwanted an unsuable material. However what the meaning of litter according by profesionalist??. There are some opinions the about meaning of the litter, such as :
Ω  According by technical term environment dictionary 1994
        “ Litter is a material which throw from human activities although natural process which not have yet value economies.”
Ω  According by Tandjung Dr. M.sc, 1982
             “  Litter is natural source which not ready use.”

                                           Litter has positive impacts if the management process before it, like can use for making fertilizer, to accumulate marsh, reduce the proliferation place of insects or animals, environment become dirty, etc. Litter  has also many negative impact for human healthy and environment. If someone throw a piece of litter randomly. It may be nothing to you but imagine if there are people do the same thing. It maybe doesn’t matter to you. But definitely not for the environment, a piece of litter on the ground , it is a big problem for environment. Negative impacts of litter such as, cause many diseases, make environment become dirty, bad smell, bad view, an flood.
                            There are two kinds of litter that is organic litter and anorganic litter. Organic litter is litter which can is disentangled naturally. Anorganic litter is which  can’tis disentangled but there some which can recycle so that can be used again, example.. paper, plastic, etc. Ways to manage anorganic litter can do with apply 4R plus 1R such as reduce, reuse, recycle, and repair. Reduce is decreasing the amount litter. Reuse is using again litter. Recycle is recycling litter and production a new product. Repair is improve efforts for environment. Government had done many ways to manage litter with prepare land for the last place exile of litter, etc.

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